
  • Preside as President over the Senate, voting in the event of a tie vote.
  • Preside as Governor when the Governor is absent from the state or disabled.
  • Upon the death, conviction, impeachment or resignation of the Governor, the Lt. Governor shall become governor for the remainder of the term.


By statute, the lieutenant governor has the following duties:

The Board of Fund Commissioners issues, redeems and cancels state general obligation bonds and performs other administrative activities related to state general obligation debt as assigned by law. The board is composed of the governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, state treasurer and the commissioner of administration. The governor is president of the board and the state treasurer is secretary. The board employs an executive secretary and a stenographer to help carry out its duties. ( RSMo 33.300)

The Board of Public Buildings is composed of the governor, lieutenant governor and attorney general. The governor serves as the chair and the lieutenant governor is the secretary.

Missouri law provides the board have general supervision and charge of state facilities at the seat of government. The board also has the authority to issue revenue bonds for the construction of state office buildings and certain other facilities. The board works with the Division of Facilities Management, Design and Construction in carrying out its responsibilities. ( RSMo 8.010)

The Missouri Community Service Commission (MCSC) connects Missourians of all ages and backgrounds in an effort to improve unmet community needs through direct and tangible service. The commission serves as the administrator for AmeriCorps*State funding in Missouri by awarding monetary grants and providing technical assistance and support. The MCSC effects and administers the National and Community Service Act of 1993, and strives to make service and volunteerism a common expectation of all Missourians, with a special concentration on youth. ( RSMo 620.586)

The lieutenant governor, the directors of the Department of Economic Development and the Department of Agriculture, and nine members appointed by the governor and confirmed by the senate serve on this board. The purpose of this board is to promote economic development in the state and has broad powers regarding loans, bonds, etc. The board is located within the Department of Economic Development. ( RSMo 100.265)

The governor, lieutenant governor, state treasurer, attorney general and six members appointed by the governor and confirmed by the Senate comprise this commission. Housed under the Department of Economic Development, the Missouri Housing Development Commission (MHDC) has a budget of $3.5 million, funded through the Missouri Housing Trust Fund. The commission appropriates these monies to homeless shelters, domestic violence shelters, transitional housing, emergency housing assistance, and home repairs for low-income homeowners, the development of low-income housing, and rental assistance for low-income people. ( RSMo 215.020)

The commission evaluates and recommends courses of action on the restoration and preservation of the capitol, the preservation of historical significance of the capitol and the history of the capitol, and ensures accessibility to the capitol for physically disabled persons. ( RSMo 8.003)

The passage of Proposition C in 1992 created the Office of Advocacy and Assistance for Senior Citizens within the office of the lieutenant governor. The senior citizen advocate shall coordinate activities with the long-term care ombudsman program on complaints made by or on behalf of senior citizens residing in long-term care facilities. Additionally the senior citizen advocate shall, in conjunction with the Department of Health and Senior Services, act as a clearinghouse for information pertaining to and of interest to senior citizens and shall disseminate such information as is necessary to inform senior citizens of their rights and of governmental and nongovernmental services available to them. ( RSMo 660.620)

Parents as Teachers Program

Shall act as an advisor to the elementary and secondary education department for all such programs within certain early childhood education and Parents as Teachers programs reviewed by the department. ( RSMo 178.695)

Special Health, Psychological, and Social Needs of Minority Older Individuals Commission

The Commission studies certain needs of the state’s minority older individuals and makes recommendations for program improvements and services to the governor and key legislators. ( RSMo 208.533)

The lieutenant governor, two senators and two representatives, five members appointed by the governor and confirmed by the senate sit on the Tourism Commission housed in the Department of Economic Development. The commission determines all matters relating to the policy and administration of tourism promotion in Missouri. ( RSMo 620.455)

Work Group Appointment

Appoints one member to the work groups of the state board of education to develop learning standards in English/Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, History and Governments, and Personal Finance. ( RSMo 160.514)